Thursday, April 30, 2020

Anorexia Nervosa and Mary

Anorexia Nervosa and Mary-Kate Olsen Essay Cheyenne Tuggle and Kayla SaldanaThe University of Valley ForgePSY 363CheyenneAnorexia Nervosa: What is it? (Webster, 1989)A serious disorder in eating behavior primarily of young women in their teens and early twenties that is characterized especially by a pathological fear of weight gain leading to faulty eating patterns, malnutrition, and usually excessive weight loss.People with anorexia place a high value on controlling their weight and shape, using extreme efforts that tend to significantly interfere with activities in their lives. Some people with anorexia binge and purge, similar to individuals who have bulimia nervosa. However, people with anorexia generally struggle with an abnormally low body weight, while individuals with bulimia typically are normal to above normal weight. No matter how weight loss is achieved, the person with anorexia has an intense fear of gaining weight. Anorexia isnt really about food. Its an unhealthy way to try to cope with emotional problems. When you have anorexia, you often equate thinness with self-worth. Onset is pre-teen early adulthood. Anorexia Nervosa: What is it? (Ekern, 2017)Two types:Binge/Purge TypeThe individual suffering from this type of eating disorder, will purge when he or she eats. This is typically a result of the overwhelming feelings of guilt a sufferer would experience in relation to eating; they compensate by vomiting, abusing laxatives, or excessively exercising. Restrictive TypeIn this form, the individual will fiercely limit the quantity of food consumed, characteristically ingesting a minimal amount that is well below their bodys caloric needs, effectively slowly starving him or herself. Though two classifications of anorexia nervosa exist, both types exhibit similar symptoms, such as irrational fear of weight gain and abnormal eating patterns. Anorexia: SymptomsThree Types: (Hall-Flavin, 2017)Physical SymptomsThe physical signs and symptoms of anorexia nervosa are related to starvation, but the disorder also includes emotional and behavior issues related to an unrealistic perception of body weight and an extremely strong fear of gaining weight or becoming fat. Emotional SymptomsDepression, anxieties. Behavioral SymptomsBingeing and self-induced vomiting to get rid of the food and may include use of laxatives, enemas, diet aids or herbal products. Anorexia: Physical Symptoms (Hall-Flavin, 2017)Extreme weight lossAbnormal blood countsFatigueInsomniaDizziness/faintingHair lossMenstrual absenceDry/yellow skinLow blood pressureDehydrationAnorexia: Emotional Symptoms (Berger, 2016)Fears gaining weightHas an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even when underweight. Distorted self-imageHas a body image that is very distorted, be very focused on body weight or shape, and refuse to admit the danger of weight loss. DepressionDepression goes hand-in-hand with many mental disorders, even if it was never prominent in someones life previous to developing the disorder. WorryingConstant worry about weight and shape. Hunger denialThey know that theyre starving but convincing themselves that they are not. Flat moodLack of emotion/emotionless. Thoughts of suicideAnorexia: Behavioral Symptoms (Berger, 2016)Limiting food intake/throwing upRefuses to keep normal weightRefuses to keep weight at what is considered normal for their age and height (15% or more below the normal weight). Play with foodCutting food into small pieces or moving them around the plate instead of eating. Over exerciseExercising all the time, even when the weather is bad, they are hurt, or their schedule is busy. Will not eat in front of othersTake pillsUsing pills to make themselves urinate (water pills, or diuretics), have a bowel movement (enemas and laxatives), or decrease their appetite (diet pills). Lie about eating habitsThey lie about how much food they ate or when the last time was. Social withdrawThey lack the ability to want to be with others or enjoy even a night out. IrritabilityVery irritable towards everyone and anything. Anorexia: Causes (Ekern, 2017)Factors not causesCauses of this disorder are still not exactly known, but there have been many factors that are found to contribute to anorexia. Environmental Causes:MediaThe effects of the thinness culture in media, that constantly reinforce thin people as ideal stereotypes. Promotional careersProfessions and careers that promote being thin and weight loss, such as ballet and modeling. TraumasFamily and childhood traumas: childhood sexual abuse, severe trauma. Peer pressurePeer pressure among friends and co-workers to be thin or be sexy. Biological Factors:Irregular hormonesTypes of imbalance of hormones. GeneticsGenetics (the tie between anorexia and ones genes is still being heavily researched, but we know that genetics is a part of the story). Nutritional DeficienciesAnorexia: Treatment (Berger, 2016)The biggest challenge in treating anorexia nervosa is helping the person recognize that they have an illness. Most people with anorexia deny that they have an eating disorder. They often seek treatment only when their condition is serious. Set GoalsGoals of treatment are to restore normal body weight and eating habits. A weight-gain of 1 to 3 pounds (lb) or 0.5 to 1.5 kilograms (kg) per week is considered a safe goal. How Should We Treat the Homeless? EssayCartwright, M. (2017, March). Anorexia Statistics Facts. Retrieved November 11, 2017. Course, C. (2014, October 06). Eating and Body Dysmorphic Disorders: Crash Course Psychology #33. Retrieved November 09, 2017. Ekern, J. (2017, May 01). About Anorexia: Signs, Symptoms, Causes Articles for Treatment Help. Retrieved November 10, 2017. Garner, D. M., Garfinkel, P. E. (1997). Handbook of treatment for eating disorders. New York: Guilford Press. Hall-Flavin, D. K. (2017). Anorexia Nervosa.Anorexia. Retrieved November 09, 2017. Stewart, W. (2015, February 04). Powerful Eating Disorder Statistics. Retrieved November 09, 2017. Webster, M. (1989).The New Merriam-Webster dictionary. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster Inc. Kaylas ReferencesAbout Mary-Kate and Ashley. (n.d.). Retrieved November 12, 2017. Garner, D. M., ; Garfinkel, P. E. (1997). Handbook of treatment for eating disorders. New York: Guilford Press. Extreme. (2009, December 30). Skinny Celebrities: Mary-Kate Olsen. Retrieved November 11, 2017. Koenig, K. R. (2008). What every therapist needs to know about treating eating and weight issues. New York: W.W. Norton. Natenshon, A. (2009). Doing what works: an integrative system for the treatment of eating disorders from diagnosis to recovery. Washington, DC: NASW Press/National Association of Social Workers. Tauber, M. (2004, July 5). Mary Kates Private Battle. Retrieved November 12, 2017. Thompson, J. K. (2004). Handbook of eating disorders and obesity. Hoboken: J. Wiley Sons. Reading Report FormTo be eligible for an A the following additional requirements must be met:Student must read 200+ pages of professional resource materialGroup outline and class presentation must demonstrate exceptional content, comprehension, and integration of resource material To be eligible for a B the following additional requirements must be met:Student must read 150-199 pages of professional resource materialGroup outline and class presentation must demonstrate very good content, comprehension, and integration of resource material To be eligible for a C the following additional requirements must be met:Student must read 125-149 pages of professional resource materialGroup outline and class presentation must demonstrate good content, comprehension, and integration of resource material For my class project, I have read __268__ pages of resource material. _______________________________________________ (Signature) This pagemustbe completed and attached to your group outline. Your gradecannotbe calculated without it. Academic Honesty Contract TheMerriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionarydefines plagiarism as stealing or passing off the ideas or words of another as if they were your own without crediting the source. Plagiarism is aseriousoffense that carriesseriousconsequences. In addition to plagiarism, there are other forms of academic dishonesty that a student must avoid.For example: Falsification or fabrication misrepresenting facts or research, verbally or in writing, for the purpose of academic gain; Double submissions of written work without the expressed consent of the professor(s); Cheating on tests, papers or projects, including group work on papers or projects when not expressly approved by the professor; Facilitating academic dishonesty allowing another student to copy from you; giving your work to another student to use as a model, or to submit as his/her own; leaving your computer or work unguarded so that it is easily accessible to another student; Any other intentional behavior de signed for unearned academic gain on the part of a student. Paraphrasing: The AUW Model Ideas that are researched and usedmust beabsorbed,understood, andwritteninthe studentsown words. Simplychanging a few wordsdoesnotmeet the standard for academic honesty. Choosing When to Give Credit Need to Document No Need to Document When you are using or referring tosomebody elses words or ideas froma magazine, book, newspaper, song,TV program, movie, Web page,computer program, letter, advertisement, or any other medium When you are writing your own experiences, your own observations, your own insights, your own thoughts, your own conclusions about a subject When you use information gainedthrough interviewing another person When you are using common knowledge folklore, common sense observations, shared information within your field of study or cultural group When you copy the exact words or aunique phrase from somewhere When you are compiling generally accepted facts When you reprint any diagrams,illustrations, charts, and pictures When you are writing up your own experimental results When you use ideas that others havegiven you in conversations or overemail When i s informationCommon Knowledge? You find the same information undocumented in at least five different sources You think it is information your readers will already know You think the person could easily find the information with general reference sources Some Helpful Websites: Luther Seminary: Vaughan Memorial Library, Acadia University: I have read andunderstandthe various forms of academic dishonesty as outlined in this document. In developing my research paper/project, I agree toexercise academic integrity. __________________________________________________________ (Signature) This paper mustbe signed and attached to yourcompleted research project/paper. PSY 363 Group Project ReviewDr. David Scolforo Name of team member reviewed: __________________________ Scale variance: 1=poor 5=average 10=exceptional Circle appropriate scores Cooperation with team members 12345678910 Act ively participated in the group project activities 12345678910 Overall attitude (e.g., while disagreeing wasnotdisagreeable) 12345678910 Helped the group stay focused 12345678910 Overall contribution 12345678910 What letter grade would you give this team member?A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-DF Other comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ (Signature) NOTE:This form must be completed foreveryteam member.Forms may be confidentially submitted.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Sample Undergraduate Essay for Petroleum Engineers

Sample Undergraduate Essay for Petroleum EngineersSample Undergraduate Essay for Petroleum Engineers is a very beneficial essay at least for the undergraduate in this field. Some teachers as well as the college may be reading this essay on their own or may get this sample as a means of revision and will find that this might help them in judging the student's potential.In undergrad, the requirement of the individual to study is basic. As a matter of fact, the student to do it too is complete to do the degree. There is no delay for these students and they can finish the work.Most undergraduates go to do the course because it will give them better opportunities for earning money. The requirements of the business field are very important. If you can be part of the industry, then it is ideal for you. That is why the curriculum for undergraduate is very important for the field of business.For undergraduate, the requirement is not that big. You do not need to pursue further studies. You can apply for any job. In some companies, you might be assigned a company in a certain field.For entry level, you must follow the college course. The curriculum is very important and must be followed with all your effort. Then again, the graduate part of this course is very important and you must follow it with all your efforts.At the time of choosing a course, the main criteria is that the student must learn and understand what he or she is studying. This is one of the basic things that every student must learn. After this, you have to decide what subject you want to study.There are different options for each student. Then you must choose a topic that you are good in.